
Police LogoAs Chief of Police, it is my pleasure to invite you to the Myrtle Creek Police Department’s Website.  

The Police Department is comprised of dedicated professional police officers who are committed to our community.  As a department, we are proud of the spirit of cooperation within our community and we are committed to working together to make certain that our community is a safe and pleasant place to live and work. 

The Myrtle Creek Police Department is sworn to protect and to serve the residents and visitors of the community.

In order to accomplish this, we rely on our core values of integrity, honesty, courage, compassion, fairness, and respect. RQEN7051 - Copy

We will provide quality service in an expeditious, compassionate, and professional manner. 

Through community relationships and a vigorous enforcement of the law, we will improve the quality of life for all citizens, recognizing that the ultimate end of police operations is to ensure a safe community within a democracy.

With faith in our society and honor in our work ethic, we will strive to serve with excellence.

The Myrtle Creek Police Department Staff and Officers are well trained and an enthusiastic group of professionals who take pride in their work. We are ready to work with you to continue to make your home, your workplace, and this community an even better place to live.

By providing quality police services the Myrtle Creek Police Department helps provide for a safe city by reducing crime and maintaining livable neighborhoods.

The Police Department serves the citizens of Myrtle Creek through crime prevention, criminal investigations and apprehension, neighborhood policing, involvement through the schools with young people and overall delivery of police services.

The Myrtle Creek Police Department strives to attain the highest quality of life and security for all who live, work, learn, play and visit in the City of Myrtle Creek.

We do this by working with the community promoting safety and reducing crime.

Contact Information:

Chief Jonathan Brewster
PO Box 940
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457